Tune of the Week 2008

Wendy Anthony - Editor

Tune of the Week (TOW) was started in April 1999 as a way of choosing tunes to learn on the mandolin & discussing how to play them with other members of CoMando ListServe. TOW continued from 1999 until 2004, reviving once again in 2007.

Note: Tunes are available as either tef files in Mandozine's TablEdit Archives or as abc files gathered together in one large abc file. Discussions can be searched easily in the CoMandoList archives with Search for: "Tune name" (type/copy/paste in quotation marks) or Subject contains: TOW (add the number).

TOW - 2008
ABC Files

TOW #:  Tune Name Key Genre tef abc
01: East Tennessee BluesCBluegrasstefabc
02: Pig on the EngineFCeltictefabc
03: Father O'Flynn (aka Cork Road)DCeltictefabc
04: The Rights Of ManEmCeltictefabc
05: Kentucky Mandolin (by Bill Monroe)GmBluegrasstefabc
06: Vals Venezolano No. 2 (aka Andreina)EmWaltztefabc
07: Moshe EmesD FreyKlezmertefabc
08: Tipsy Gypsy (by David Grisman)DmDawgtefabc
09: Begin the Beguine (by Cole Porter)  (YouTube)AJazz  
10: Jitterbug Waltz (by Thomas (Fats) Waller)DJazztefabc
11: Dawg's Breath (by Ricky Skaggs)DmBluegrasstefabc
12: Mack The Knife (by Kurt Weill)  (pdf)C/FJazz  
13: Waiting On Vassar (By David Grisman)EmDawgtefabc
14: Kicking Grass (by Jesse Brock)BBluegrasstefabc
15: Autumn Leaves (by Joseph Kosma)EmJazztefabc
17: Varis Hasapikos IIAmGreektefabc
18: Greencastle Hornpipe (aka McPartland's Style)DCeltictefabc
19: Tiny's Rag (by Tiny Moore)GRagtefabc
21: Pennknivsmordaren (aka Pen-Knife Killer)AmSwedish Polskatefabc
22: Knockabower Polka #2 (aka Knocknabower or Knocknaboul)GIrish Polkatefabc
25: The Wren (aka Stevens Day Parade March, An Dro, En Dro)BmBrittany Dancetefabc
26: Ninna Nanna (by Guiseppe Aonzo)  (YouTube)GItalian Lullaby  
28: Salt Creek (aka Salt River)AmixBluegrasstefabc
31: Rakes of KildareAdorIrish Jigtefabc
32: Bright Days (by Norman Blake)C / AmBluegrasstefabc
33: Jerusalem RidgeAmBluegrasstefabc
35: La Partida (Venezuelan Waltz)BmChorotefabc
49: Christmas Day Ida Mornin'DShetland abc