These photos and content are from the Tone Poems and Tone Poems II CD booklet, used by permission. The buttons below list the instruments used for each track on the albums.
Max McCullough moderated this discussion by America's most knowledgable dealers in vintage mandolins and guitars. It originally was a series of posts on the CoMando Listserver, and has been archived here.
This article is an update to an article by Dix Bruce, in the May, 1987 issue of Frets. Although prices, and models have changed, the basic criteria for selecting a new or used mandolin remains the same.
Ed Ashley coordinated and moderated this discussion by some of the best master builders of mandolins. Lots of tips, techniques and insights to ease the learning curve for novice builders.
Another Comando discussion moderated by Max McCullough. A fascinating opportunity to hear master builders answering questions, covering a wide range of topics.
Lots of opinions and comments on the Virzi.