Adusting Tempo To Your Playing Speed
Adjusting the tempo, in MIDI Options, permits you to play along with a tune at your own speed. The tempo can be increased as you are ready and able to do so.
The tempo adjustment MIDI Options can be accessed in different ways:
- Menu: Play > MIDI Options.
- Click Speaker icon.
- Windows Keyboard Shortcut: Alt+K.
The tempo can be adjusted in MIDI Options by:
- adjusting the slider bar.
- typing a new tempo in box.
- using the up/down arrows.
- Windows Keyboard Shortcut: Alt+K opens MIDI Options; Alt+T toggles the use of PgUp/PgDn or Up/Down Arrows for tempo adjustment.
Note: Clicking
OK, will change the actual tempo of the file. You will be prompted to save these changes when you close the file (no saves in TEFviewer). Clicking
Play, starts playback from measure 1, keeping MIDI Options open, to allow adjustments to tempo. Clicking Stop, stops playback, keeping MIDI Options open. Cancel closes Options, with file remaining unchanged.