Robin Bullock

Solo recordings:
The Lightning Field (Azalea City, 2000; to be reissued on Dorian in October 2003)
Between Earth and Sky (Maggie's Music, 1998)
Midnight Howl (Maggie's Music, 1995)
Green Fields (Dorian, 1993)

The Irish Girl, with Michel Sikiotakis (Dorian, 2003)
Celtic Guitar Summit, with Steve Baughman (Solid Air, 2002)
A Midnight Clear, with Al Petteway and Amy White (Dorian, 2002)
Travellers, with Butch Baldassari and John Reischman (SoundArt, 1999)

(The above listed are now available online at

With Greenfire:
Greenfire: A Celtic String Ensemble (Dorian, 1998)
Walking Stones (Dorian, 1997)

With Helicon:
A Winter Solstice with Helicon (Dorian, 1999)
Horizons (Dorian, 1992)
The Titan (Dorian, 1990)
Helicon (Jeb Records, 1987)